“We loved you so much that we shared with you not only the gospel but our own lives, too.” | 1 Thessalonians 2:8
Whether you are taking classes or are part of the working world, we have a place for you to belong and a community you can count on. Sunday and midweek activities provide opportunities for connection, Bible study, and serving.
Our desire is to create Gospel-centered students who have an intimate, rich, and fulfilling relationship with God. We want students to come exactly as they are but the challenge is to grow.

Here at First Christian Church, we are passionate about what the Lord is doing in your life. Here at first Christian Church, we celebrate the Gospel and NO ONE walks alone. We believe in the power of the Gospel to transform hearts and develop maturity in your life. When it comes to our college ministry, there are three things we want you to KNOW about us:
- We want you to KNOW God. Your relationship with God is the greatest relationship you will ever have. We get to know who God is through His Gospel… the good news about what God has done on your behalf. Thus, we are Gospel-centered church which means that we primarily put our time and energy into making sure the Gospel comes across as clearly as possible. You will have plenty of time to get to know God. From weekly energizing worships on Thursday Nights to bible studies
- We want you to be KNOWN. God created us for relationship with Him and with others. We realize that it is essential to walk with other believers who will provide you with the accountability, belonging, and care that your heart desires. We realize that you are more than just another person warming a seat. You have a name! You have a story! We want to know you and praise God for what he has done in your life.
- We want you to make Him KNOWN! Being a fan is different than being a follower. Fans wear the merchandise and cheer for their team. But we know that there is more to our faith then sitting back and watching others live it out. Followers don’t just sit in the stands; they suit up and play the game! That’s why we believe in the great commission, to go and make disciples of all nations. Here at First Christian Church, you will have the opportunity to take your faith out of the building. There will be mission trips and service opportunities that will challenge and mature you. And you’ll find that those moments…the ones where you seek to make God known…those will be the moments that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.
Bring your bible and get ready to grow in your faith! Our desire each time we meet is to be “ones who have heard the word with a good and noble heart, and hold on to it tightly, and bear fruit with patience.” (Luke 8:15) We will meet at 7:30pm every Wednesday. Bring your Bible and a friend. Address is 2323 Broadway
We are honored to minister to the college-aged people at FCC-Lubbock! We realize that this is an important stage in your life. We believe in what the Lord is doing in your life and we would love to be your church family during this season of your life. Your involvement with our church family will help you grow in spiritual maturity and in your faith walk. We cannot wait to continue to walk with our students and see our students grow and flourish by the Lord’s hand. They challenge us and help us grow and mature. We seek to share the gospel and give God all the glory as we do it. We are eager to start walking with you as you continue to attend college. We want to be your church family. We want to know God, we want to know you, and we want to make Him known!
Have Questions?
Call our Church Office! 806-763-1995