Our Core Beliefs

1. Jesus Christ is God’s only Son, our Savior, and our Lord.
2. The Bible, taken in context, is our ultimate authority and guide.
3. The Church is Christ’s Body on earth, and all Christians should uplift each other including all branches of the faith.
4. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated weekly.
5. Baptism is for believers and enacted by immersion, although we affirm other forms of baptism.
6. All baptized believers are called to share in the ministries of Christ.

The Gospel

There is only one Gospel. It is God’s property based on the work of Jesus Christ, and preached and testified consistently by Scripture, the church, and the Holy Spirit: God will recreate the world, provide a perfect dwelling place, and bring about a new and redeemed people, where God will dwell and rest His glory to His praise – this is the Kingdom of God. Mankind is included by faith alone, through grace alone, on the basis of Christ alone, and for the glory of God alone.

The Mission

The church doesn’t have a mission, God’s mission has a church. God is drawing and redeeming a new people to Himself by the name of Jesus from all nations. The destiny of the Redeemed is to be holy by our nearness to God. Our mission is (1) to encourage Christians toward holiness and (2) to preach, teach, and illustrate the Gospel to the world.

The Local Church

The Gospel is unbelievable without the help of the Holy Spirit, and is unapplied without the encouragement of a Gospel-centered Church. Christ’s Church is God’s creation for Believers to draw near to God and to experience healthy, faith-based friendships.